
Panda pokemon
Panda pokemon

panda pokemon

Since all Pokemon have a primary type, let's restrict our analysis to primary types only. Now let's investigate if any specific statistic is driving these results and whether different types of Pokemon excel at a particular statistic. We've seen that a Pokemon's type can influence how strong it is. Do any types of Pokemon excel at certain statistics over others? ¶ If we look at the strength of these combinations, we see that none of them are exceptionally strong or weak-the game is indeed balanced in this regard!Ħ. Our earlier analysis pointed out the most common combination of primary and secondary types: Normal/Flying, Bug/Flying, Bug/Poison, Grass/Poison and Water/Ground. Unfortunately for Bug-type Pokemon, even though they're the fourth most common primary type, they're still among the weakest of all.

panda pokemon

This also indicates that many legendary Pokemon species are Dragon-type, and the game maintains balance by ensuring these Pokemon are a lot less common. The results change a bit when excluding legendary Pokemon: Dragon-type is not as dominating in fact, there's more diversity in strength among the different types. We also notice the dataset has two observational units: the Pokemon's identity and statistics, which should be normalized into two tables to prevent future inconsistencies.īut before any rigorous cleaning, let's rename the # column to id, and convert all column labels to lower case. In addition, our initial inspection also revealed some Pokemon have missing values for Type 2, which confirms that not all Pokemon have a secondary type we have to account for these missing values. According to Bulbapedia, there are only 721 Pokemon species by generation 6 so we should check if there are any anomalies or duplicated rows in our dataset. One of our first priorities is ensuring the datset is tidy, meaning each column should represent a single variable and each row represent a single data point (Pokemon species in this case). Do any types of Pokemon excel at certain statistics over others?.What are the strongest and weakest types of Pokemon?.What are the strongest and weakest Pokemon species?.What are the most common types of Pokemon?.How are Pokemon numbers distributed across generations?.

panda pokemon

Legendary - a boolean that identifies whether the Pokemon is legendary.

Panda pokemon series#

Generation - refers to which grouping/game series the Pokemon was released in.Speed - determines which Pokemon attacks first each round.Def - the base damage resistance against special attacks Atk - special attack, the base modifier for special attacks Defense - the base damage resistance against normal attacks.Attack - the base modifier for normal attacks.HP - hit points, or health, defines how much damage a Pokemon can withstand before fainting.Total - sum of all stats that come after this, a general guide to how strong a Pokemon is.Type 2 - some Pokemon are dual type and have 2.Type 1 - each Pokemon has a type, this determines weakness/resistance to attacks.# - Pokedex entry number of the Pokemon.Here's a quick description of each column, taken from Kaggle:

Panda pokemon